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counting of the Omer)
the time of the Bait Hamikdash, on the second day of
Pesach / Passover, (the 16th of Nisan), the
Korban "Omer" is offered.
On the second night of Pesach, (the first night of
Chol Hamoed in Eretz Yisroel) in a field outside
Yerushalayim, harvesters cut enough bundles (three sa'a
- about 16 lbs.) of barley to make 5 pounds of fine flour.
Back in the Bait Hamikdash, the Kohanim thresh
the stalks till the kernels come tumbling down. Next the kernels
are roasted over a fire and ground into flour. The flour is sifted
until only the finest flour remains.
It takes about five pounds - an Omer - of flour mixed
with oil and a handful of levona spice to make a Korban
Omer. The mixture is placed in a pan. The pan is waved in
all directions. Then a handful of the mixture is burned on the
Mizbayach (Altar) and the rest is given out for the Kohanim
to eat.
starts the grain harvesting season. Hashem commands that
the barley cannot be harvested until the Korban Omer is
The Korban
Omer is also a starting point in the countdown to Matan
Torah (the giving of the Torah). According
to the Torah (Vayikra, Parshat Emor, 23:15-16),
we are obligated to count 49 days from the second night of Pesach
to the day before Shavuot, seven full weeks. This
period is known as the Counting of the Omer.
For 49 days, starting the second
day of Pesach, on whichever day of the week that might
happen to fall, we count "the Omer."
49 days represent the 49 days of preparation from Yetziat
Mitzrayim (exodus from Egypt) to Matan Torah on
the seventh day of Sivan.
The day after this
counting is complete, the fiftieth day, is the Yom Tov
of Shavuot ,
the anniversary of the giving of the Torah to the Jewish
People. The counting reminds us of the important connection between
Pesach / Passover and Shavuot: Pesach
freed us physically from bondage, but the giving of the Torah
on Shavuot redeemed us spiritually from our bondage to
idolatry and immorality.
commands the Jews that on the fiftieth day of counting the Omer
we must celebrate the Yom Tov of Shavuot. In the
Bait Hamikdash the Kohanim would offer the Shtay
Halechem (two loaves) baked from the first wheat of the new
Hashem promises that as a reward for the wheat offering
He will bless the fruit of your fields. Unlike other dough offerings,
the Shtay Lechem offering is allowed to rise. This offering
is not burnt on the Mizbayach, it is shared by all the
After the destruction of the Bait Hamikdash, the practice
of bringing the Korban Omer was discontinued but Jews
continued to "count the Omer period," a custom which
has continued throughout the ages.
Each evening, while standing,
we recite a Bracha
(blessing) out loud.
After reciting
the bracha, we state
the count of the Omer in both weeks and days.
So on the first night we start
with "Hayom Yom Echad La'Omer" - ("Today is one day of
the Omer"). On the 16th day, for example, we would say
"Today is sixteen days, which is two weeks and two days of the
Omer." The counting concludes the night before Shavuot,
always on the sixth day of the month of Sivan, "Hayom
Tish'ah V'Arba'im Yom Shehaym Shiv'ah Shavuot La'Omer" -
("Today is forty nine days which is seven weeks of the Omer.")
If one forgot to
count at night but remembers the next day, one should count immediately
without a bracha. One
then resumes the regular count that evening with a bracha.
If a person
misses an entire day, then all further counting until Shavuot
is done without a bracha.
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HaOmer Chart click
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For 1 page transliterated English PDF Version for 2024, click
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HaOmer charts, click
The Sefira
is a time of sadness. Through
the years, the Omer period has become identified with
sad memories for Jewry. Massacres occurred during the period of
the Romans and later still during the Crusades. In the days of
the Roman Emperor Hadrian, the Jews - led by Bar Kochba - attemped
to drive out the foreign oppressors from Judea. The revolt was
unsuccessful and during the fighting thousands of Jews lost their
According to the
Talmud, (Tractate Yevamot 62b), 24,000 students of Rabbi
Akiva died in one short period, because "they did not show proper
respect to one another!" And all of them died between Pesach
and Shavuot as a result of a mysterious G-d-sent plague
that raged during the days of the Omer counting. For
that reason, it is customary to observe a period of semi-mourning
during this time, 16 Nissan - 5 Sivan, most prominently
during the whole month of Iyar, (with one exception,
Lag B'Omer, the
33rd day). Customarily
no weddings take place, no hair is cut, and we do not listen to
music. Some do not shave during this entire period.
Some count the mourning
period from Pesach to Lag B'Omer. Others go
from Rosh Chodesh Iyar to Shavuot. This period
is a time to reflect upon our middot and improve our
relations with others.
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HaOmer Chart click
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HaOmer charts, click
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